Monday, December 17, 2012

Compounds Aids Cure Found

World Wide Web | Compounds Aids Cure Found | Recently, as reported by MedicalXpress, Zhilei Chen, assistant professor at Texas A & M University, in collaboration with Scrips Resears Institute have discovered a finding that effectively kills vi
HIV rus compounds namely PD 404. 182. Like the two other using large discoveries found by accident, Compound PD 404. 182 to eradicate HIV did so. Initially, the researchers used the compound PD 404. 182 is intended to develop compounds that are effective against the virus hepatitis C. But when Chen et al. try to use it to kill HIV is more effective.

Compounds PD 404. 182 work specifically by attacking the inside of the virus material, RNA damage it, so unstable RNA virus that causes HIV is difficult to evolve and multiply and become resistant and ultimately unable to infect. The compound is different from other compounds that kill cells by attacking viruses outside material (cell wall) of the virus, making it rather dangerous for HIV cell wall as the cell wall of human and other compounds have been fatal if they are used in humans.

We should appreciate the work Chen et al. Due to concerns of people with HIV do not have expectations as to enjoy life more freely without the stigma and discrimination that it shall be removed by the public. But do not get too excited with joy, because in the process of developing new drug compounds that are not automated in vitro (laboratory) efficacious, directly produced to be given to humans. However, at least 10 years since the recently discovered compounds could be used in humans.

In the process of developing new drugs, there are three tahapam that must elapse before a compound (drug) is used by the public is 3-4 years tested on Animals (Probandus), 4-5 years tested on Humans (probandus), 2-3 years for registration. In the process of developing new drugs, sometimes does not match expectations, many drugs are efficacious in the laboratory at the time and when in test them in animals and humans did not merit even the slightest effect. Therefore, expectations are high at the same time anxious that these compounds can be used to humans remains our appreciation and support.

Found a rare HIV variants

Amid fervent hope, and joy to the discovery of compounds PD 404. 182. As reported by the BBC oleb. A French man, 57 years old infected with HIV variant rare, coming from the country of Cameroon. The man with HIV is rare HIV-1 group N had previously been discovered in 1998 that infect a woman Cameroon, having sexual intercourse with a female partner in the country. Due to complaints of high fever, rashes and boils, then he was taken to the hospital Saint Loise. From the results of the examination by a team of doctors led by Professor Francois Simon found in a man's body was found this rare HIV variants.

Because of this, it should be encouraged in order to gain authority with authority to immediately oversee the worldwide epidemic of this virus from spreading more widely. At the same time urged the public to better understand ourselves neighbor modes of transmission of this virus and to avoid being infected. This is important because although there is little good news about PD 404,182 compounds that can kill HIV, but the compound PD 404. 182 is not necessarily effectively killing the rare HIV variants is due to differences in the constituent material.

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