World Wide Web | How to Take Up Practising Pilates At Home | Practising Pilates at home is now one of the most popular ways to stay fit. You won't need to pay out hefty gym membership subscriptions or try to synchronise awkwardly timed classes to an already tight schedule. You also won't need to worry whether you have got the latest fashion when it comes to your work out clothing.
Pilates has become very popular as it offers a low impact way to stay fit, tone the body and protection against conditions such as osteoporosis. It's also something that many athletes do for its protection against injury. It's a favourite of the New Zealand All Blacks rugby team, rowers and track athletes.
If you're considering taking up this benefit laden exercise technique at home, then follow along with these top tips to get you started.
You might want to start off by taking one or two classes just to give you a clear idea of what Pilates is all about. Once you've invested in these, then you can continue doing your exercises at home.
Before you get started you'll need to invest in some basic equipment. You'll need an exercise mat, instructional DVDs and suitable clothing. Many people opt for a fitness ball too. You can find all of these at your local sports shop or online.
There are many instructional DVDs on the market. Be sure to select one that is presented by a qualified instructor. They are available in different levels to suit beginners, intermediates and advanced Pilates at home practitioners.
As you become a more seasoned Pilates practitioner, you may want to invest in equipment for the more advanced. This may include getting a reformer, which can help with toning more muscles in your body.
You'll need to create some space that is comfortable and free from hazards such as furniture. Ideally it may be a spare room where you can store your equipment when it's not in use. The space should be peaceful. If you need to watch your instructional Pilates DVD on the television, then you'll need to make room for yourself close to that. If you own a laptop, then it's possible to use this anywhere.
Making time to consistently practice your Pilates is very important. You may not always find the motivation to do your exercises. One way to approach that many fitness experts follow. Lay your clothes out the night before and then when you rise in the morning start to exercise before your brain has had a chance to catch up.
Warming up is important before any form of exercise. It's a way to avoid unnecessary injuries and is easy to do. Try a gentle walk, followed by jogging on the spot. You should also warm up the body and arms before starting your exercise routine.
Hopefully these tips will help you get the show on the road when it comes to practising Pilates at home.
Article Source: EzineArticles
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