World Wide Web | Obesity Vs Overweight | Lately the term obesity has been touted all over the news, echoing the alarming statistics that more than one out of three Americans is obese or overweight. So, are you part of that 35.9 percent? Maybe you're just simply overweight; let's do the math. The definition of obesity is being 20% or more above your ideal weight for your height. In simpler terms, it is having an excessive amount of body fat.
Since 1961 the number of obese children has more than doubled, primarily as a result of high fat and sugar intake, along with a lack of physical activity.
There are several factors and physical characteristics that need to be considered in determining obesity, such as the percentage of body fat or the body mass index [BMI] along with the three body types:
- endomorph
- mesomorph
- ectomorp
One way to determine obesity is to assess percentage of body fat; however, it is very difficult to accurately measure body fat. Weighing a person underwater is the most accepted method for obtaining accurate body fat measurements. A major drawback to this type of procedure is that there are limited facilities with this specialized equipment. Another method of measuring body fat is the skin-fold test. A special instrument is used that can choose a fold of skin to precisely measure and determine the thickness of the subcutaneous layer of fat, or bio-electrical impedance analysis, which is also performed at a specialized clinic.
Regardless of the fact that humans come in many sizes and various shapes, most people fall into one of the three groups or body types mentioned above. Following is a more in-depth description.
The endomorph's hands and feet are relatively small, and the arms and thighs are usually larger than the wrists and ankles. The waist is high. They have fine hair and smooth soft skin. The endomorph's head is large and round.
Endomorph summary:
- Soft, short body
- Not very muscular
- Round body shape
- Hard to lose weight
- Can build muscle easily
- The endomorphs have the greatest propensity for becoming obese.
The mesomorph's muscles are well-defined and the bones are large. The torso is shaped like an hour-glass with a low, narrow waist. The head consists of prominent bones and muscles. They have clearly defined facial features, such as a square jaw and wide cheek bones with a long, wide face. Arms and legs, including the hands, are muscular. The mesomorph has thick skin that tans easily. They also have thick, coarse hair.
Mesomorph summary:
- Athletic "hard body"
- Rectangular physique- male
- Hourglass physique- female
- Body is muscular
- Good posture
- Skin is thick
- Easily builds muscle
- Easily gains weight
The ectomorph's body is fragile and delicate with light bones, small joints and slight muscles. The arms and legs are relatively long and the shoulders slump. The physique is somewhat linear causing them to appear taller then they really are. Arms and legs also lack muscle mass so the ectomorph needs to exert more energy in order to get the same amount of work done. Some ectomorphs will have long fingers, toes and neck. The facial features are sharp, with a receding, triangular lower jaw. Their skin easily sun burns.
Ectomorphs have difficulty adjusting to extreme fluctuations of temperature due to low body fat and low muscle mass. Their hair grows quickly and is fine and difficult to manage.
Ectomorph summary:
- Fragile body build
- Flat chested
- Thin and lean
- Light muscular frame
- Small shoulders
- Slow to build muscle
Now you can start to see how weight gain can affect various people differently with regard to body types and varying metabolisms.
High blood pressure is directly related to obesity or an overweight condition. In addition, it can adversely affect the balance of cholesterol and triglycerides, including resistance to insulin. Because of the vast number of medical conditions developed through obesity, the effects of obesity are somewhat confusing.
Infertility, skin problems, chronic musculoskeletal problems, and respiratory complications are some additional nonfatal, debilitating health issues. There are four major areas of serious life-threatening problems resulting from obesity:
- cardiovascular disease;
- insulin resistance conditions that cause diabetes;
- large-bowel and hormonally-related cancers plus additional types of cancers;
- serious gallbladder issues.
Increasing body fat percentage also increases the likelihood of developing hypertension and Type 2 diabetes. Diabetes has primarily been associated with older adults, but now this disease attracts even obese prepubescent children. Of the 90 percent of overweight or obese people suffering with diabetes, 86 percent have Type 2 which is rapidly becoming a word-wide problem.
Raised BMI and increased risk of several forms of cancer (including breast, prostrate, gallbladder, kidney and colon) show up in one out of every three adults over 50 years of age. A major disabling disease in adults is osteoarthritis and can be caused by obesity and being chronically overweight.
Fortunately, obesity and its related diseases are reversible and are slowing being brought under control. They can eventually be completely eradicated by changing one's lifestyle, eating habits, drinking plenty of distilled water daily, and with periodic fasting under professional care. Read more about distilled water and fasting, plus distilled water and its relationship to health.
Article Source: EzineArticles
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