Friday, April 12, 2013

Fun Drinking Coffee

World Wide Web | Fun Drinking Coffee | Dear friends, today coffee is the most popular beverage. At breakfast in the morning, at work, while Online (blog example) and to arise the term coffee break at any official events such as seminars, workshops, meetings, etc.. Yet rarely do we observe any possible benefits or negative effects of coffee on health. At most what we know after drinking coffee body feels fresh and drowsiness disappear. Actually, there's no benefit from drinking a cup of coffee. Why so special in the eyes of the audience. (Myself included). Curious ..? It is better to listen to the following summary, I hope your curiosity will be revealed and understood why coffee has a lot of fans.

1. Caffeine contained in coffee are chemicals derived from plants that can stimulate the brain and nervous system. Caffeine is classified alkaloid also known as trimetilsantin.
2. Caffeine helps you to be able to think faster. Try to consume coffee 15 minutes or 30 minutes before your job interview or giving a presentation to the boss. The result will probably be pretty good, because the caffeine found in coffee proved to provide a 'signal' of the brain to respond more quickly and deftly memory processing in the brain.
3. Caffeine prevents cavities. Try to drink a cup of hot coffee right after you eat cookies, chocolate cake was delicious, fruit-flavored candy or a piece of sweet bread.
4. Caffeine reduces headache pain. Migraine sufferers can be cured in the lightweight category with a cup of strong coffee. So, before taking any medication used to try to cure your headache with caffeinated beverages.
5. Caffeine can relieve asthmatic breathing by expanding the bronchial tubes that connects the throat to the lungs.
6. Caffeine may make the body does not get tired, could do physical activity for longer, in the estimate because the caffeine makes the "fuel" used muscle longer.
7. Caffeine can increase the sense of carefree, making us feel more refreshed and energetic. Women who drink two or more cups of coffee per day can reduce the risk of bone loss (osteoporosis).
8. Coffee can improve mental performance and memory, because coffee can stimulate many areas of the brain that can manage to stay awake, arousal, mood and concentration. Adults who drink coffee before a memory test showed a significant improvement compared to those who drank decaffeinated coffee.
9. Caffeine can counteract free radicals and destroy the molecules that can damage cell DNA.
10. Caffeine also protect the heart and cancer. (But not for those at high risk of heart disease.)
11. Reduce the risks of diabetes
12. Parkinson's disease is rare in people who drink coffee regularly. A study concluded the disease is actually found in men who did not drink coffee three times more than men coffee connoisseur.
13. Drinking coffee makes sperm "swim" faster and can improve male fertility. This was announced in a meeting of Brazilian scientists "American Society for Reproductive Medicine" in San Antonio, where the main discussion revolves around the effects of fertility drugs on the adam.

Unfortunately, the coffee drinking habits often led to the effect of "addiction" both psychologically and physiologically. Common characteristics such as coffee addiction fatigue or tired, listless and sleepy that day just did not drink coffee. Reasonable is to consume as much coffee as 85-200 mg or 1-3 cups of coffee. Here is the negative impact that is often caused by drinking coffee:
1. Drinking coffee on a 250 mg once can cause health problems, such as heart palpitations, anxiety, insomnia (trouble sleeping), nervousness, tremor (shaking hands), and even nausea to vomiting.
2. Drinking coffee is also dangerous for people with hypertension (high blood pressure) because the compound caffeine can cause blood pressure to rise sharply. In addition, coffee can also increase blood flow to the kidneys caused by urine production increases. So, do not be surprised if soon after consuming coffee fast bladder is full.
3. Drinking too much coffee can also reduce fertility, especially when combined with alcohol. For women the age of menopause, drinking coffee in large quantities can increase the risk kekeroposan bones (osteoporosis).
4. In moderate doses, caffeine increase the production of stomach acid that lasts a long time, so it can increase the risk of gastric disease, peptic ulcers or intestinal ulcers. So the people with stomach weakness should avoid coffee consumption.

The following describes the things you need to know for coffee enthusiasts:
1. Dose
There is not yet a definite size for the dose of coffee may be consumed. However, most studies reveal that drinking 300 mg of caffeine (about 1 to 3 cups of coffee a day) no negative effects on most healthy people.
2. Danger Signals
While sipping coffee is tasted fine, but often followed by guilt million. Know the danger signals of coffee so that we know when to stop drinking coffee. Danger signals include: restlessness, palpitations, sleep disorders and mood disorders (eg, irritability). A coffee drinkers who stop drinking coffee may experience "caffeine withdrawal" which is characterized by throbbing head pain, but the symptoms will disappear after 24-48 hours or get a new dose of caffeine.
3. Listen Body Response
Everyone has their own limits on the consumption of caffeine. Most people can consume 2 cups of coffee a day with no problems. But some are having bad effects with the same amount of coffee consumption. Someone told me after drinking a cup of coffee could not sleep all night, instead there were fast asleep after drinking coffee. So, the best way is to listen to the body's own response!
4. Recognize Caffeine Content
After knowing the dose and the response of the body, it helps us to know the content of caffeine in products that often we consume.

For those of you who experienced the negative effects of coffee drinks, you can menggantikann with a glass of orange juice, green vegetables, along with vitamin B6 and B12. The types of foods and beverages do not contain zinc and caffeine but high in minerals, vitamins and folic acid. Whereas vitamin B6, B12, and folic acid plays an important role in lowering levels of homocysteine ​​in the body, so that coronary heart disease could be avoided.

Tips of good coffee:
1. Do not add too much sugar. It is recommended that the coffee tasted bitter, you can add cream or milk. Posed bitter taste of coffee is not really long. "Good coffee in the roasting, bitterness only 15 seconds in the throat.
2. Drinking coffee comes with a cake.
3. Sip coffee is like drinking wine. The first time was smell it. Then when drunk is not directly ingested, but for the first dikulum tasted. Because of the way like that, coffee lovers have never smoked
4.Bagi are sensitive to caffeine, caffeine can try their levels are reduced (decaf).

Ok, coffee mania, it was described above reinforce your beliefs to keep taking his coffee. The important thing should be remembered, its share remained within reasonable limits. Because exaggeration definitely not good for health. Enjoy coffee.



  1. I have tried coffee for my weight loss program and it is really effective. It increases the energy slightly in the body. That's an interesting article, thanks for sharing.

    Finn Felton

    1. you're welcome.....come back again to see another articles...


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