Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Cheap and Easy Ways For Hair Care

World Wide Web | Cheap and Easy Ways For Hair Care | Hair care is something that can be costly and time like going to the salon. But there is an easy and efficient way in beauty treatments hair. One of them, we have to comb my hair preformance more than three times a day, in order to keep hair neat.

The following beauty tips is easy and inexpensive way to treat hair.

1. Reduce the portion of shampoo
shampoo can be diluted by half, this will not affect the ability to membarsihkan hair.

2. baby shampoo
If a family member has a different hair type, try switching to a baby shampoo can be used for all types of hair.

3. protein hair
Blend one tablespoon of lemon juice and 3 eggs. use on wet hair and let sit 15 minutes, rinse with cold water. This treatment helps to damaged hair and makes it glow.

4. Conditioner
Whisk two egg yolks and add a teaspoon of gin / gin (a type of alcoholic beverage). wet hair and coat it with the mixture, cover with a dry towel and scalp massage. Let stand for five minutes and rinse thoroughly.

5. warm oil
Use vegetable oil or baby oil and gently massage the hair roots. cover with a warm towel dried with a new dryer. wait 15 minutes before shampooing. Do not use if for Rambaut colored.

6. Anti-dandruff shampoo
Destroy aspirin tablets to a powder and add it to your normal shampoo, shake until powder dissolves aspirin. Acetylsalicylic acid in aspirin is the same material used for most anti-dandruff shampoo.

Hair care is very necessary to support the beauty and hair health, especially for women. But not all of the hair care should disalon and expensive. Maybe some beauty tips above can help to save the cost of hair care and can be allocated for other costs.

1 comment:

  1. Hi friends! The best hair removal clinic in Delhi is Klinik Esthetika , this clinic an use the laser technology to remove the hair, This clinic was removed my hair due to laser technology and I am looking smart and gorgeous. Thanks to Klinik Esthetika for Laser Hair Removal .


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