Sunday, July 28, 2013

Rich Purple Eggplant Sibuah Health Benefits

Eggplant purple rich health benefits. The fruit that comes from India which grows wild, starting first cultivated in China. Eggplant is a good source of fiber, source of Vitamin B and minerals such as magnesium and manganese. The purple eggplant contains a substance called Anthocyanin. Anthocyanin can prevent high blood pressure, hepatosis (disease due to deficiency of vitamin E or selenium), and improve vision at night.

The following Health Tips eggplant for health benefits.
1. sources of Vitamins
Eggplant contains Vit B, including Vit B1, B3 and B6, which helps your body convert carbohydrates into energy that can help menghanhurkan fat and protein.

2. Mineral resources
Eggplant is a source of minerals like magnesium, manganese and potassium. Magnesium helps the normal functioning nervous and cardiovascular systems as well as keeping the body's immune system from bacteria and viruses that enter into the body. Manganese helps the metabolism of fat and carbohydrates.

3. lowering Cholesterol
Eggplant help limit fat and cholesterol in the body and keep the blood sugar to remain normal.

4. diabetes
Eggplant extract can inhibit an enzyme that causes type 2 diabetes by controlling glucose absorption and lowering blood pressure which can lead to hypertension.

Apparently many health benefits obtained from the fruit of the eggplant. Myth that eating eggplant can lower the ability of the male sex, it turns out that one loh, because no studies that prove this. So for the men do not hesitate to consume eggplant :).

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