Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Anti-Aging Secrets: Is It Really A Secret Or Just Good Sense?

World Wide Web | Anti-Aging Secrets: Is It Really A Secret Or Just Good Sense? | Anti-aging secrets is something many of us are after. Time marches on terribly fast and we all get to that point where you ask yourself where it's all gone. Finding wrinkles on our faces is never pleasant and then there are all those irritating people who look extremely youthful, even though we know for certain that they are older than us. Can we hold off the aging process, at least physically? Yes, we can. Can we do that without having to spend hours in front of the mirror all day long and basically give up our everyday life to look good? Yes, we can do that too. Here's how.

*Sesame oil is one of those anti-aging secrets that not a lot of people talk about. The way it works is rather simple: it helps to exfoliate your dead cells, which usually clutter your skin making it search older than it is. Possessing clean skin that can breathe easily will maintain itself, and permit the appearance of balanced, younger looking skin for a longer period of time.

*Everybody goes on about anti-oxidants nowadays, but no one really knows what it is. Without boring you with all the chemistry behind it, the basic version is always that oxygen - the very thing that keeps us alive - was not long ago demonstrated to be one of the leading causes of aging. Anti-oxidants are the not so secret anti-aging secret which enables you to fight off the attack of oxygen bombs which are continually wreaking havoc on your skin.

* Eat healthy, natural foods. You can forget junk food and sweets. It's much more than fat - it's more than keeping your figure. Fast foods are toxic and toxins often appear on your skin as acne breakouts, lines, dryness and crow's-feet. Make certain to drink plenty of water - it will clean and moisturize not only your face but your entire body

* Avoid applying so much liquid make-up. It may seem that using make up is one of the anti-aging secrets - and in a way you are right, in the sense that make-up may conceal some of the signs of aging. But long-term, what it really does is it produces a mask over your skin, keeping it from breathing and ultimately causing it to age more rapidly. Keep your skin clean and only cover what really needs to be covered.

* Sugar is not merely your usual junk food enemy that will make you fat, In addition, it weakens the collagen in your skin - which basically means that your skin becomes less resilient, will lose its firmness and cause sagging as well as wrinkles. Stay clear of white sugar at all costs.

* Be cautious with the skin care products you use and where you use them. Your skin layer is not the same thickness and texture throughout. A perfect example is the skin under your eyes and the skin on your neck. Ensure you use specific products that tackle the skin on these areas. Don't just slap an all-in- one moisturizer all over your face and body, it just won't work and could be doing more harm than good. The two main areas that age quicker than the others and cannot be repaired even with surgical procedures: the base of your neck and your hands. Much of this is because women tend to ignore these areas and just concentrate on the face. Don't make the same mistake: take care of all of you.

What you need to remember is that the majority of the so called anti aging secrets are in fact pretty logical and simple: cease working against your design, guard your skin from the sun's rays and look for the most beneficial products for your skin, and you will always have people trying to guess your real age.

Article Source: EzineArticles

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