Thursday, November 29, 2012

Fruit And Fat Loss: What You Should Know

World Wide Web | Fruit And Fat Loss: What You Should Know | As you go about your fat loss diet plan, one food that you may start to question from time to time is fruit. Many people hear mixed things about fruit in their fat loss diet plan. Some hear that it should be avoided because it contains far too many simple sugars to be part of a fat loss program.Others hear that it's healthy and should never be excluded from a sound diet. So what's the real deal?What's the truth about fruit and fat loss? Should you be eating it if you want to see fat loss success?Let's go over a few of the main things that you need to keep in mind when it comes to fruit and your fat loss diet plan.

Fruit And Calories

The very first thing that you need to think about when it comes to your fruit intake is the calorie content that it provides. Whether or not you lose weight on any given diet plan is going to depend primarily on the calorie level that you consume, so this is not something that you want to be overlooked.

When you compare and contrast fruit to some of the other foods that you may be eating in your diet plan, you should clearly be able to see why it's a relatively good choice as far as fat loss is concerned.

Fruit is going to contain just around 50-80 calories per cup, or 80-100 per piece, while most other snack foods will easily put you far above this.

A bagel for instance contain 300 or more calories, a typical serving of cereal contains 200 or more calories, and an energy bar can be 250 or more calories as well.

Fruit is portion controlled in itself since it comes per piece, or if you're eating fruits such as berries or melons, you would have to eat a very high amount of them for it to add up to a high number of calories.

This makes them very good for fat loss results.

Fruit And Nutrients

Next, you also need to assess the nutrients that fruit provides. Fruit is going to offer you a very high dose of fiber as well as antioxidants, which will then help you boost your health as well as your overall body function.

The high fiber content of fruit is going to help to digest slowly in the body, filling you up so that you eat less after eating it.

The antioxidants on the other hand will go a long way towards helping prevent disease while keeping your immune system strong, so will help you feel better on a day to day basis.

Fruit is one of the most nutritionally dense foods you could be eating, so cutting it out of your diet entirely is typically not the wisest of ideas at any point.

Fruit And Blood Glucose

Moving along, the next thing to consider is the influence that fruit has on blood glucose. This is what tends to concern many people because it is true, fruit does contain sugar.

But, this is natural fruit sugar, not the same as table sugar. Furthermore, fruit is going to contain half glucose and half fructose, and only the glucose will impact blood glucose levels.

For this reason, you will never get the same blood glucose spike after eating some fruit as you would after eating some pure glucose candy for example.

This means that it won't cause the rebound hunger in most people like simple sugars would, and therefore is much safer for your fat loss program.

Plus, when you add the extra fiber that fruit provides into the mix, this helps to further reduce the impact it has on your blood glucose levels, helping it control your hunger even better.

Finally, if you choose to pair your fruit with some form of lean protein or healthy fat, this will slow the release of those sugars into the blood even further, giving you a more balanced snack at any point throughout the day.

Good examples of this could be a banana smeared with peanut butter, and apple with some low fat cheese, or some berries with Greek yogurt.

Fruit And Cravings

Finally, the last thing to think about is fruit and its influence on cravings. If you're like many people, you do crave sweet tasting foods from time to time. Whether it's chocolate you crave, ice cream, or candy, you want sweets and it's a hard thing to completely cut out.

But there's no question those foods are high in calories, so typically not something that you can eat on a regular basis and still see great results.

Fortunately, fruit can quickly calm your craving for something sweet and help you stick to your diet at the same time.

For those who are struggling to maintain their diet because they're constantly falling off the bandwagon, this can be incredibly helpful.

So there you have the key points to remember about fruit. It definitely can be part of a sound fat loss diet plan as long as you are sure to keep it in moderation, like anything else, and account for the calories that it's going to provide you.

Also make sure that you do realize the differences between the fruits. Bananas for example are slightly higher in calories as well as starch compared to berries, which are lower in calories and higher in fiber, so eat them at the right times during the day.

Higher calorie fruits will be best served up around the workout period when you need more energy and the sugar, while lower calorie fruits will work best later on in the day as you try and keep your carb and calorie intake down.

Article Source: EzineArticles

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