World Wide Web | Is It Possible to Slow Aging Down at the Cellular Level? | As a middle aged woman, I can still clearly remember the days of my youth when I had more energy and thought my youth would last forever. Back then, time seemed to pass by slowly. I couldn't wait to reach each new milestone in youthful age, with the best age to come: 18 years old and then an adult. Funny how now, years later (no, I am not going to reveal my age), I want time to stop spinning by so quickly and I want each moment to last longer. Life feels more precious.
So, is there a fountain of youth? Is there a way to live your life slowly aging in an all-natural way? We're all born, we live and we die. It's that simple, yet true. Of course, life is all about living not so much in the dying-but how we lived our lives. We should all come to terms with the fact that we're dying, but that there is a life of eternity waiting for us. I believe that life for the believer in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is in Heaven. You may not necessarily agree with that, but that's not the crux of the issue here.
What is at issue is whether or not there is a way to slow aging down. Is there a way to find that fountain of youth in and all-natural way that moves in sync with nature... where nature is the catalyst? You may or may not have heard, but there are two ingredients in red wine which slow aging. What are those ingredients? They are grape seed extract and resveratrol.
However, in conjunction with this topic, there has been an even greater breakthrough with a resveratrol anti-aging liquid dietary supplement product-which is all-natural-and "harnesses the powerful antioxidant properties of rare muscadine grapes and has been shown to be 10x more powerful than resveratrol alone in slowing a key mechanism of cellular aging.
Sounds too good to be true, right? Well, there is science behind these facts. What are the wonderful results of using such a dietary supplement? It has been clinically found to slow aging at four levels of cellular physiology: cell defense, cell energy, cell repair and cell performance. Normal, biological stressors, which normally lead to cellular aging, have been noticed to be diminished. As we age, the energy of cell reproduction which we used to have, decreases. With this type of resveratrol supplement, the vital ingredients have been seen to increase energy production. Daily, our DNA is attacked a million times over. All of these attacks can damaged our DNA and create errors which can possibly compromise our cells' jobs and durability. AGE proteins which form are destructive and can amass and end in cell impairment. With such a resveratrol supplement, this issue is also improved by better cell performance.
Who wouldn't want to slow aging and increase cell defense, cell energy, cell repair and cell performance? It is possible and with some research and learning important healthful information, you will do your body a favor and maybe add some years to your life and health to your cells.
Article Source: EzineArticles
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