Sunday, November 25, 2012

Plantar Fasciitis Can Cause Back Pain

World Wide Web | Plantar Fasciitis Can Cause Back Pain | Plantar fascia is a band of connective tissue that runs along the bottom of the foot. It forms an attachment between the heel and the toes and maintains the foot's arch. Plantar fasciitis is a condition characterized by inflammation of this tissue. If the tissue is stretched and strained, inflammation occurs to prevent further strain and facilitate healing.

While a little foot pain might not sound so bad, plantar fasciitis can wreak havoc on your body mechanics. As your body changes the way it moves when you walk to avoid pain, the angles of your joints from the ankles to the spine change and the muscles of the legs, hips and lower back experience a change in tension. With this condition, foot pain can eventually evolve into ankle, leg, hip and back pain.


A number of situations can strain the plantar fascia:

Runners and ballet dancers may develop the condition due to the extra stress their heels are subjected to.

If you have another foot problem that affects the way weight is distributed across the foot -- high arches, for example - then the plantar fascia may be strained.

Overweight people are more at risk for this condition due to the excess pressure on the feet.

Anyone who spends all day on their feet, such as factory workers, may develop this condition.

Wearing shoes that fail to promote proper weight distribution across the foot increases the chances of overstretching the plantar fascia. High heels, for example, put the whole foot in an unnatural position and stretch the fascia.

Finally, a tight calf muscle or Achilles tendon can pull up on the plantar fascia, as these structures are connected.


People with plantar fasciitis tend to feel sharp pain in the heel of their foot, particularly upon taking their first steps of the day or after getting up from sitting for a while. The tight, inflamed fascia is at its least flexible after a period of immobility, so pain is worse on these initial steps. The pain usually develops slowly over time as the condition is a result of gradual damage accumulation to the connective tissue.


One prong of plantar fasciitis treatment is pain management. Ice is one way to alleviate pain; not only does it numb the area, but it also helps to reduce painful inflammation.

Wearing shoes that cushion the bottom of the foot and promote proper mechanics will reduce strain to the already-stressed tissue. People with flat feet might opt for cushioned soles with arch supports, for example.

Proper treatment involves a second prong focused on identifying and addressing the situations that led to fasciitis in the first place. Finding a physical therapist trained to assess muscle imbalances and body mechanics is often a good way to identify what strained the fascia. In physical therapy, you can learn exercises to strengthen your lower legs, which help support the ankle and heel. You can also learn stretches to keep the calves and Achilles tendons flexible.

Deep tissue massage or myofascial release can also be very effective at reducing inflammation and restoring elasticity to the plantar fascia. Myofascial release can be pursued with a trained practitioner or on your own. Self-myofascial release (SMR) is done with a firm, round object that you roll between your foot and the floor to apply deep pressure to the fascia. See the video at to learn about SMR for the foot.

Understanding the causes of plantar fasciitis will enable you to find long-lasting pain relief. Proper body mechanics and maintaining a healthy weight will help to prevent this condition.

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