Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Avoiding Inflammatory Foods

World Wide WebAvoiding Inflammatory Foods | Chronic inflammation continues to threaten the lives of millions worldwide. Today, people are suffering from illnesses such as cardiovascular disease, respiratory disorders, cancers and other inflammatory ailments including familial Mediterranean fever. Developing countries are especially prone to such illnesses and often die from various cancers. Many studies today have shown that lifestyle choices, especially foods we consume everyday, can greatly impact the rate of illnesses.

A well-balanced diet can help fight many of the illnesses people are faced with every day. Some of these foods have anti-inflammatory compounds, which can deter the body from such diseases. As a result, avoiding inflammatory promoting foods and consuming more natural anti-inflammatory foods will greatly reduce the number of illnesses. Here are just a few of the foods that you should avoid which often sets the stage for these inflammatory illnesses.

Found in wines, liquors, and beer, alcohol is often the onset of inflammation in the liver, larynx and esophagus. Chronic inflammation can also develop which promotes tumor growths.

Sugar is found in all kinds of candy, desserts, snacks, and beverages. Unfortunately though, excessive amounts of sugar can lead to chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes, and risk of obesity in addition to inflammatory disorders such as familial Mediterranean fever.

Processed Red Meat 
Processed red meat can be found in beef, pork, lamb, salami, and more and should be a red flag. They contain a molecule known as Neu5Gc, which humans do not naturally produce. As a result, ingesting this compound can trigger inflammatory response from the developed anti-Neu5Gc antibodies. These animal products have been known to contribute to colon and rectum cancer in addition to lung and esophagus cancer.

Common Cooking Oils 
Cooking oils contain elevated levels of omega-6 fatty acids and low levels of omega-3 fats, not to mention, promotes inflammation and disorders including familial Mediterranean fever. They are used in processed foods and should be avoided at all times.

Artificial Food Additives 
Certain food additives are known to trigger inflammation especially in those individuals suffering from conditions like rheumatoid arthritis. These food additives are known as MSG, or monosodium glutamate, and aspartame, which are taste enhancers.

Trans Fats 
Trans fats have the tendency of elevated "bad" cholesterol levels while diminishing "good" cholesterol levels, in addition to promoting obesity, insulin resistance and inflammation. They are found in most fast foods, deep fried foods, and commercial baked goods.

Dairy Products 
Dairy products are consumed by many people but can not be properly digested. Milk for example, is a common allergen known to induce inflammation and other responses in the intestinal tract. These can all result in constipation, stomach distress, acne, diarrhea, hives, skin rashes, and difficulty breathing.

Refined Grains 
Many of the grains consumed today are refined and lack any vitamin B or fiber. They are found in items such as pastries, biscuits, white rice, white bread, white flour, pasta and noodles, and are comparable to refined sugars, however, have an even higher glycemic index, and can trigger degenerative diseases.

The above list contains many pro inflammatory agents and can really influence poor health. So to stay clear from diseases like familial Mediterranean fever and heart disease, eat a well balanced diet. Remember that there are many other foods and food groups to avoid, but this list should help guide you in the right direction.

Article Source: EzineArticles

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