Thursday, December 13, 2012

Pills or Punishment?

World Wide WebPills or Punishment? | Pills or punishment?? The choice is yours. Do you take a pill or several pills every day or do you exercise every day until you hurt so much that you hate to even go to bed??? Not such an easy choice make as you grow older, heavier and flabby. We all get older and our bodies get softer with age. A few of us will manage to stay slim and the body will stay in fairly good shape, but for the most of us, that is not the case.

So, what is the secret to keeping the body in a younger state with those six pack abs still showing, muscles that have not turned to jelly, and no boobs on a man. Ever think it might be what you are eating??? There is no reason to starve yourself and go to bed every night with your stomach growling. Not a lot reason to get up every day not really wanting to hit the treadmill or go for a long walk with your legs hurting.

There are supplements that will aid your body in staying in good shape. There supplements that will help turn that body fat into muscle. Not the kind of muscle that body builders have, but a body that you can be proud of as you grow older and start to slow down a little. Most of us older folks can enjoy being trim and fit enough to enjoy some of the outdoor activities that we could enjoy when we were younger.

The supplements that you can take to aid your being fit will also give you the energy to do the activities that you enjoy. The activities will help you keep your muscles toned and working smoothly. Like to pitch horse shoes?? Shoot a few hoops?? Golf??? Think of the exercise you will get with one half hour of any of these activities. You walk, you swing your arms, and you work the back muscles, and all the while you are getting some great exercise with the activities that you enjoy. Ahhhh, life is good.

Take a look at the people that never do any activities at all. Those people that sit in the office all day and when they get home at the end of the day, they eat and head for the television. After a few months of this, they are unable to do any of these activities because their bodies have gotten soft and they have gained many pounds of body fat.

Even those people can gain a fit body, if they start slow and slowly get themselves back in shape. Many will never make it because they will never feel good enough to start. Please don't be one of those. If you do, your life will end at a young age.

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