Wednesday, January 2, 2013

How to Maintain a Healthy Weight?

World Wide WebHow to Maintain a Healthy Weight? | Yummy chocolates, ice-cream, cheesy pizza, burgers, soft drinks and what not! These all are so tempting. Mostly people can't thrive through this temptation and they keep on eating till they have a look in the mirror and see how "fat" they look. Surely no one leaves such yummy and delicious food but on the other hand, these are the same people who also care about not gaining weight. Want a healthy weight?

Doesn't it sound weird that, you want to eat a lot of junk food but also want your weight to stay normal? Well, surely it does sound weird but nothing is impossible. Don't stop eating this yummy stuff but just stay in limitations. As we know excess of everything is bad, therefore in order to help you out avoiding excess eating, here are some tips to maintain a healthy weight.

· Avoid eating fat in your diet

Our body needs a balanced diet and excessive intake of fatty food can lead to fat layers to form in your body. Fat more than it is needed can be harmful for you in many ways but most of all; it makes you look fat which is what no one wants. Start having an intake of carbohydrates and reduce the intake of high calories. You can eat fish, lean meat and as a whole shift to healthier fats by using vegetable oil for cooking.

· Avoid using sugar

It's true that sugar is that thing which can't be left behind in your tea, coffee, deserts or any bakery item but you have to control the usage of sugar. If you are a consistent tea or coffee drinker then totally avoid sugar or more or less take one tea spoon of sugar. Sugar is a criminal in making you gain the weight by tempting you through its sweet taste.

· Exercise

No matter how fat or thing you are, exercise is necessary for everyone. It helps your bones and muscles move in a fluent way and on the other hand, whatsoever you are taking in, whether they are carbohydrates, fats or proteins, your body should digest them properly. By exercising, all the calories are burnt internally because your body heats up and emits heat internally. Exercise also keeps you fresh so it's better to make a habit of exercising daily no matter how thin you are.

· Stay FAR away from stress

It has been proved scientifically that a human body gains weight due to stress. It increases cortisol in human body which is directly linked to obesity. On the other hand, it also results in abnormal eating habits. Stress is a natural thing, it happens daily no matter you are at school, work or home. In order to avoid this and have healthy weight, spend half an hour on stress suspension techniques. This will surely help you out decreasing your stress and as a result stabilizing your weight.

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