Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Start A Diet Recipe File

World Wide Web | Start A Diet Recipe File | If you're serious about losing weight for life, you're going to need to start a collection of weight loss-friendly recipes; a collection of recipes that you enjoy, but is also healthy.Why is this such an effective tool? Lack of diet-excitement is a common cause of a dieter quitting their healthy lifestyle. in fact, it's known to be one of the top 5 causes of diet failure!

For me, I'm totally comfortable eating the same food day after day, but many people need variety in their diet, for these folks, it's important, even a necessity, to have a gaggle of recipes that are simple and easy to prepare!

By following my recommendations you will always have a number of exciting recipes to choose from whenever you start to feel bored with your diet. that will give you an advantage. Let the record show that weight loss is already pretty darn touch, in fact some may say that it's the hardest thing in the world to do, so anything that will stack the cards in your favor is a winner in my book!

The Three Main Collection Methods

The first is the classic "recipe box with index cards". Many of my clients refer to this technique as the "Grandma Technique" due to the fact that every senior citizen seems to use this method. This is simply a shoebox filled with flashcards/index cards, each of which has a single, handwritten recipe. This "old fashioned" technique is so simple that it's fun, especially in this complex digital world.

The next method is very simple as well, although it is a bit more organized. Make a recipe scrapbook. With time, your scrapbook will develop into your own personal fat loss cookbook. Print your best recipes onto fade-resistant paper and add them to your new scrapbook. The scrapbook method can also keep photos of the finished dishes! Set up tabs to organize the main dishes, desserts, side dishes, salads, soups, etc..

Lastly, you can make an electronic cookbook. There are plenty of apps out there that you can purchase to keel an electronic library of diet-friendly recipes.. Many programs come with thousands of diet-friendly recipes that can be organized into folders for easy access! This is a preferred method of my technology-loving clients. Buy one of the many weight loss recipe applications available for your smartphone, Droid, iPhone, Blackberry, or iPad.!!!) that allows you to search or save tons of fat loss friendly recipes

The key is to keep your recipes VERY organized! Just building a collection of weight loss recipes, in and of itself, isn't sufficient - you MUST use it!

Each and every day, be adventurous with your diet and try a new recipe. You won't love all of them. Some recipes will be perfect, some may taste good but will be too inconvenient to make, just know that there are thousands, if not millions, of recipes to choose from so don't settle for one that is not a fit! The primary goal is to keep your healthy lifestyle fun and exciting! So, if you're getting bored with your lifestyle, don't give up, change something to keep it exciting!

Article Source: EzineArticles

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