Friday, January 18, 2013

Your Rules Of Eating Vs The Universal Rules To Be Skinny And Healthy

World Wide WebYour Rules Of Eating Vs The Universal Rules To Be Skinny And Healthy |  Did you know there are rules to follow to be skinny and healthy? Do you know what the rules are?You can't win if you don't know the rules. So if you don't know the skinny & healthy rules, you end up fat and/or unhealthy.

Our Own Rules

Most of us have our own set of rules. They are the rules we learned in childhood from our family and teachers. And our parents learned them the same way. I grew up when schools taught the "Food Pyramid." This was recommended by the Government.

Obviously this food pyramid is not working for the US and other countries who have adopted our Western diet. We are overweight and unhealthy. Diabetes, Heart Disease and Cancer have all increased.

The Government has now created a new food pyramid. It is called a "Food Plate". But most of us are still eating the way we learned to eat as children. And we are still teaching our children the same way we learned to eat.

We are still following our own rules. For most, these rules are not the working. Most of us do not know the right rules. We know the rules to fail. We don't know the rules to succeed.

The rules we learned:
  • fast food
  • super-sized food
  • "additives"
  • processed food
  • genetically modified food
  • food grown in depleted soil and foods
  • sugar, high fructose corn syrup
  • fried food
  • artificial foods, sweeteners, flavorings
  • food high in iodized salt
  • low fiber diets
  • low fresh vegetables & fruits diets

Our bodies don't even know what eating healthy is! We have been poisoning and hurting our bodies.We were taught the wrong rules. But It is our responsibility to learn new rules and to follow them. We are accountable for our results.
Bob Harper says we need to divorce our past.

The Universal Rules

There are "untouched" places in the world. These places are following the same diet they have for thousands of years. They have low disease rates. They are skinny and healthy.

Some places that have recently adopted our diet are now experiencing higher rates of disease and obesity.

What can we learn from this? Their old rules were working for them. They were following the Universal rules.

How can we eat more like the Universal rules?

Going back to the basics:
  • Earth: Vegetables, Fruits, Good Fats, Proteins, Vitamins & Minerals
  • Wind: Deep Breathing, Good Sleep and Exercise
  • Fire: Sunshine/Vitamin D
  • Water: Ideally without all the chemicals

I think there are a few additions:

Knowing your purpose: Your why. This will be your reason for eating healthier and exercising
Knowing that there is no finish line. Once you reach your goal weight you can't go back to your old ways of eating & exercising.


We have been taught rules for eating that are not working. These are the rules we are still living by and teaching to children. It is our responsibility to learn the rules to be skinny and healthy. The Universal rules for being healthy won't change. It is our responsibility to follow the rules and teach the rules. Future generations depend on us for teaching healthy rules. It will take knowing your why or your purpose to be committed to making life changes and doing the work to change. There is no finish line. It is a lifelong way of eating.

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