World Wide Web | Prevent Wrinkles with Make Tomato | Tomato fruit is famous for its lycopene content were able to prevent wrinkles and dark spots on the skin caused by the sun. Of a study in 80% of human skin wrinkles caused by sun damage. Lycopene is a powerful antioxidant that can reduce premature aging caused by sun exposure.
Consume lycopene-rich tomato paste can dramatically can reduce skin damage caused by sunlight. Eating tomato paste mixed with olive oil for 10 weeks in addition to your normal aging. Lycopene is an antioxidant that is very potent and powerful weapon in preventing skin damage caused by free radicals.
Add some cooked tomato dishes into your menu such as spaghetti, pizza, tomato soup or other. If possible choose the tomatoes are cooked than raw. Although raw tomatoes contain lots of lycopene, but when cooked the abortion will increase up to 4-fold.
Add fresh tomato slices on sandwiches and hamburgers, replace mayonnaise in sandwiches and hamburgers with tomato paste, then you will get a taste completely different.
A good idea to drink 1 glass of tomato juice every day instead of orange. Because the tomato juice, then you will get the lycopene and vitamin C. If you do not like the tomatoes then you can memknum lycopene supplements but should consult your doctor.
According to experts, add tomatoes to the menu brings many benefits. Lycopene is also famous for his usefulness in the fight against heart disease and cancer. So, in addition to skin health you can also prevent other diseases. Good luck ..
Source : www.perempuan.com
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