Sunday, November 10, 2013

Drinks Beer For Health

It turns out the beer has many health benefits . Many people who consider beer as a beverage that causes hangover , but if taken according to the rules and the number of turns of beer has many health benefits for the body .

The following health articles for health benefits of beer .

1 . Reduce the risk of heart disease .
According to some studies , drinking beer may reduce the risk of coronary heart disease . The reason is simple : alcohol can raise HDL or good cholesterol and reduce artery hardening of blood .

2 . vitamin B6
According to research conducted in the Netherlands by TNO Nutrition and Food Research Institute , beer drinkers had a 30 % Vit B6 higher than non- beer drinkers .

3 . Avoiding Kidney Stones
According to the American Journal of Epidemiology study , the risk of kidney stones decreased 40 % in middle-aged men who drink beer compared to non- beer drinkers . But have not been able to determine kandaungan peliti which can cause it .

4 . helping Women
A Harvard study , published in the New England Journal of Medicine , showed alcohol consumption is helpful in preserving mental abilities of older women , while Tufts University study concluded alcohol can help preserve bone density , common health problems for women aging . In addition , some bioflavonoids found in hops ( the main ingredient in beer ) has the same properties as estrogen , which can serve as a natural form of hormone replacement therapy in post-menopausal women .

5 . prevent Cancer
While these studies are just beginning to explore to fight cancer with the existing content in beer , initial studies indicate xanthohumol , a compound found in hops , may help inhibit certain enzymes that can trigger cancer in the body and helps stop the carcinogens ( cancer-causing ) . This compound is currently being tested in the hope of creating a preventive treatment for prostate and colon cancer .

That's some beer for health benefits . But it all comes back to personal self in use . When used in accordance with the needs and portion it will be beneficial to health .
READ MORE - Drinks Beer For Health

Various Benefits of Garlic for Health

Health Tips - Garlic has long been known as a natural substance that has many health benefits . Although most people do not smell like garlic apparently has many health benefits . It also causes a lot of people do not like to consume .

Garlic contains the amino acid constituents of healthy and allicin , an amino acid derivative is beneficial for health . Garlic itself contains minerals zinc , germanium , selenium , iron and magnesium , Vit A and C as well as sulfur compounds that are beneficial to bind toxic metals and hearts to be issued .

The following article Garlic health benefits for health .

1 . Heart Health
Nutrition and diet experts believe garlic can reduce levels of homocysteine ​​( an amino acid ) in the blood for heart health . Garlic can also reduce the harmful buildup of plaque on artery walls .

2 . Blood health
- Research shows that garlic can increase blood circulation by increasing the levels of hydrogen sulfide in the blood .
- The sulfur compounds in garlic reduce the fatty substances in the blood , helping to regulate blood pressure and help the symptoms of hypertension .
- Sulfur compounds in garlic , ajoene especially to avoid blood clots .
- Garlic is often used as a blood thinner to boost circulation and prevent blood clots .

3 . Openness immune
Garlic stimulates the activity of white blood cells that fight infection and disease . Garlic can increase the liver against free radicals .

4 . Blood Sugar
Studies show that garlic has the ability to boost insulin levels in the blood and stabilize blood sugar .

5 . antioxidants
The antioxidants in garlic protects cells from free radicals and inhibit the growth of cancer .

6 . cholesterol
Garlic has an important role in lowering blood cholesterol levels .

7 . Sex
Garlic komom able to maintain testosterone levels in men and can increase libido in men and women .

Besides the many benefits of garlic , it should be noted side effects . Garlic is a natural blood thinner and inhibits blood clotting , so for emreka who have blood disorders , should consult with a doctor before taking garlic .

READ MORE - Various Benefits of Garlic for Health

Cancer and Tumor drug with Natural Herbs

obat kanker alami
Cancer and Tumor drug with Natural Herbs - Cancer and Tumor is one of the deadly diseases in the world . This is due to the expensive drugs used for this disease . But now many herbal treatments for Tumor Cancer Drugs and Medicines derived from medicinal plants , which are also relatively cheaper price .

Here's a list of natural herbs for cancer .

1 . Soursop leaves
Soursop leaf is able to slow down and kill the cancer cells , because the content acetogeninns thing that can kill cancer cells and without disturbing other body cells healthy . Soursop leaves work naturally , safely and effectively , without nausea , weight loss , hair loss , as is often the case using chemotherapy .

2 . Keladi Tikus (In Name In Indonesia)
In Indonesia has been a lot of research done on this plant . Dr. . Dyah Iswantini , researcher at the Center for the Study medicinal IPB found that rodent tuber extract with 76.10 % demineralised water inhibits the enzyme tyrosine ( an enzyme believed to be a promoter of cancer progression ) . No less interesting are the results of Peni Indrayudha of the Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Muhammadiyah Surakarta which proves extracts from rodent tuber cut the DNA chain so that the cancer cells thwart cancer cells develop .

3 . anthill
Flavonoid content in ant nests function against tumor / cancer , such as inactivation of carcinogens , anti-proliferation , inhibition of cell cycle or combination of mechanisms tersebut.Beberapa types of cancer that can be cured with the ant nest is brain cancer , nasal cancer , breast cancer , liver cancer , lung cancer , colon cancer , uterine cancer , skin cancer , prostate cancer , and blood cancer ( leukemia ) , except for cancers of the throat and oral cavity .

4 . ginger
Indian origin researcher M.Singh Y.Sukha and have identified several compounds that act as anti- cancer . The compounds include vallinoid , gingerol , paradol , shogaol , and Zingeron .

5 . Yellow root
Recently discovered anti- cancer plant in Meru National Park forest Betiri ( national park ) in Jember , East Java . Plants were discovered by researchers from the University of March Surakarta ( UNS ) Solo, it is Sulanjari Yellow Root ( Arcangelicia flava ) . Medicinal plant that contains anti- malaria and anti- cancer , and the plant is still in the research to know the other benefits .

With the increasing number of herbal plants found / health for cancer , expected this to be a bright spot for the cancer patients in achieving cure . of course in a way that is natural and safe .
READ MORE - Cancer and Tumor drug with Natural Herbs

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Drug Prevention Hemorrhoids and Piles

Penyakit Wasir atau Ambeien
World Wide Web | Hemorrhoids and Piles Potent drugs are now much sought after by people with hemorrhoids or piles. Hemorrhoids is a disease that attacks the exhaust duct or anus that can provide tremendous pain. Hemorrhoid disease is because the swelling of the drain area and is usually accompanied by bleeding which can cause pain and discomfort especially when sitting and defecation.

Hemorrhoids are divided into two types of hemorrhoids and external hemorrhoids inside. Internal hemorrhoids occur inside or on the inside of the anal canal, if it is severe then it will go out like a lump outside hemorrhoids. External hemorrhoids occur outside or on the outside of the anus in the form of lumps too bluish and swollen and feel sore and hot. Both types of hemorrhoids can be very harmful to health if left unchecked, it would require an act of healing immediately with Hemorrhoids Medicine.

Hemorrhoid usually occurs because of an unhealthy lifestyle, heredity or genetics, pregnancy. Unhealthy lifestyle such as lack of consumption of fibrous foods and vitamins are enough, lack of exercise. Pregnant women also suffer from hemorrhoids is unusual, growth hormone progesterone increased so as to interfere with the digestive tract. Other factors that can cause hemorrhoids appear is heredity or genetics. If found people with hemorrhoids in the elderly it is usually the child will be affected by this disease.

There are some things we can do to prevent hemorrhoids or the hemorrhoid, including:
  • Eating foods that contain fiber and vitamins minerals sufficient, so as to facilitate digestion.
  • Regular exercise is mainly to train strengthen the hip muscles
  • do not be too straining during bowel movements, which can cause large pressure duct anus.
  • Clean the area with soap to clean the anus after defecation.
  • Drinking enough water is very good for health and certainly good for hemorrhoids.
  • Never put off when it feels like a bowel movement.
  • squatting position is better than sitting at the time of defecation, it can accelerate the drain position.
  • Avoid prolonged sitting position, you can take a break with a small movement exercise to increase blood flow.

By maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet in everyday life can prevent hemorrhoids and other diseases of course. You certainly do not want to feel the pain and it feels uncomfortable when suffering from hemorrhoids or the hemorrhoid.
READ MORE - Drug Prevention Hemorrhoids and Piles
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