Sunday, May 19, 2013

Beauty Tips For Dry Skin Care

World Wide web | Beauty Tips For Dry Skin Care | Dry skin constitute one of the problems beauty who faced many women. Many women who use makeup to cover up problems such beauty, but instead cause skin irritation and skin becomes more dry.

The following beauty tips for caring for dry skin.

1. Exfoliating / peeling skin is an essential beauty treatment for dry skin. exfoliation is the process of removing layers of dead skin / dry resulting in regeneration of the skin which makes the skin look fresh and young.

Getting older, the harder skin to regenerate therefore very helpful in mempebarui exfoliating the skin. Many people mistakenly use the ekfoliator too strong, instantly exfoliate skin to death. Should begin to use exfoliator gently that can be used every day.

2. Drinking water helps in treating dry skin because it can moisturize from within the body. Make a habit of drinking 8-9 glasses of water every day, in addition to good moisture also serves to remove excess toxins from the body.

3. Use moisturizer to care from the outside. But need to be considered in the use this moisturizer because must adjusted with skin type. If skin you are including skin oily and easy pimply, should use a moisturizer who freely oil. If skin aging skin, you should choose a moisturizer that contains anti aging / aging. And to consider the use of a moisturizer is not clog the pores of your skin.

4. Consumption of vitamins and nutrients that are good for moisturizing the skin. Sometimes dry skin can be be caused by deficiencies vitamin and nutrients.

5. Use special face soap, body soap to do because it's too hard which can cause dry skin. Do not wash face too often in a day because it can make your skin dry, quite the morning and evening.

6. Try green tea and white. Brewed tea, let cool, then enter into bottles spray. When skin felt dry rub spray face. Green tea and white capable of balance the skin without make it oily or dried.


  1. You just hate your dry skin so Why not try these tips ? I was suffering with the dry skin problems but after using tips the my skin problems is gone . I highly recommend these tips .

    obagi nu derm starter kit

    Alison Clarke

  2. Nice tip,
    Drinking more and more water helps to remove excess toxins from the body.I also use this tips for my dry skin problem.


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