Sunday, October 28, 2012

Properties of Garlic

World Wide Web | Properties of Garlic | Apparently garlic or Garlic has long been used by our ancestors to treat various diseases. Various ways have been done such as consumption eaten directly, blended and ground, but in this way lead to complaints that the sting of bad breath. Today many products imported garlic in capsules marketed in shopping malls and on average sold at very high prices.

Garlic is good for almost all illnesses, including sore throats and colds. Sulfur content makes it has a distinctive smell and taste may improve and accelerate activities in the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract, which helps relieve compression and mucus. In addition, raw garlic contains phytochemicals that may help kill bacteria and viruses that cause disease.

In 1992, researchers from Brigham Young University in Utah reported that the crushed garlic in oil to kill not only kill rhinovirus type 2 (common cause of flu), but also two types of herpes (skin diseases) and some other common viruses. Research groups around the world have also reported similar success, using garlic extract against fungi and bacteria, making garlic one of the most effective natural medicine in the world.

Now there are more than 12 studies published around the world to ensure that the garlic in various forms can reduce cholesterol. Therefore, it can be concluded that garlic can cure high blood pressure and heart disease. One study published in "The Journal of the Royal College of Physicians" by CS Silagy and Neil HAW 1994 mentioned that garlic is an agent for reducing fat.

Researchers claim that garlic supplements are an important part in the healing of high cholesterol. According to him, on the whole, a decrease of 12% of the total cholesterol. This decrease was for after just 4 weeks of treatment, and this decline continued during the study. The largest study conducted in Germany, where 261 patients were given garlic powder tablets. After a 12 week treatment period, cholesterol levels down 12% and down 17% trigliserin.

A study was also conducted by Silagy CA and Neil HA, two researchers from the Department of General Practice-Flinder University, in Adelaide, South Australia. The study was conducted to determine the performance of garlic extract powder to reduce hypertension. The results showed that respondents who ate garlic preparations decreased systolic blood pressure (the pressure in the blood vessel walls when the heart contracts).

Scientific evidence above is a reference that garlic deserve to be an alternative for those of you who have complaints of high blood pressure and high cholesterol. Because garlic is effective, safe for consumption in the long term without any side effects!

Thank's For Coming ^^

Take from :
edited In english By Roellyan

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