Sunday, December 16, 2012

7 Fill The Female Brain Note Male

World Wide Web | 7 Fill The Female Brain Note Male - | You belong to men who often quarrel with your spouse? Or lamented, "What the heck wants this woman?" It is natural. According to Louann Brizendine, author of the book "The Female Brain", the female brain is different from the male brain. "There is no unisex brain," says expert psychiatric nerves of University of California San Francisco, United States. Here are 7 Content Note Brain Woman Man, that is:

1. Hooked risk increases as women age above 50 years old have a higher motivation to do new things. Starting from contributing to local communities, to venturing into remote places. "Women want to do something for him after all this time raising a family," said Brizendine.

2. Second puberty at age of 40 usually occurs around age 43. This period is called perimenopause. in this period women had menstrual erratic, often excessive sweating during sleep, and hormonal changes that mood up and down. According to Brizendine, the perimenopause lasts between two to nine years.

3. Parenting can make a quiet woman. Breastfeeding can relieve stress. Journal of Neuroscience in 2005 declared the effect of breastfeeding on the mother could be more soothing than the use of cocaine. "At this time, women want everything organized, including her husband," he said.

4. Woman's brain shrinks during pregnancy. Do not be emotional when his wife suddenly slow while pregnant. Research shows brains shrink as much as four percent of women during pregnancy. "Do not worry, be normal within six months after birth," said Brizendine. During pregnancy, women are more sleep. Because the hormone progesterone, which makes drowsiness, increased by 30-fold during the first eight weeks of pregnancy.

5. Sexual stimulation easily extinguished. For women, orgasm is obtained if some part of her brain shut. Unfortunately, a lot of things that can make parts of it re-opens. Ranging from anger, distrust, even cold feet. "For men apply three minutes of foreplay before intercourse, to women 24 hours in advance," said Brizendine.

6. Women avoid aggression. Women tend to be avoiding confrontation and physical aggression. This, Brizendine says, comes from considering the motherly instincts of survival of her children.

7. More vulnerable pain. Various studies last ten years shows female brain is more sensitive to pain and stress. "This explains why women are more prone to depression and post-traumatic stress," said Brizendine.

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