Monday, December 17, 2012

Recognize Food neutralizing Nicotine [cigarettes] in Body

World Wide Web | Recognize Food neutralizing Nicotine [cigarettes] in Body | Nicotine is one of the harmful substances contained in cigarettes. In addition to effects or opiate addiction, the concentration of nicotine in the body vulnerable to cause disruption
chronic health disorders such as heart and lungs.

Not only active smokers at risk of nicotine in the body hoards, passive smokers are often exposed to smoke also have a similar risk. In fact, the study revealed that nicotine is concentrated in the body of secondhand smoke are three times higher than in a smoker's body active.

For those of you who are accustomed to living in a neighborhood with smoke, should be wary. Try to avoid and minimize the concentration of nicotine by increasing the intake of foods containing vitamin A, C, and E, as reported by

- Broccoli
Green vegetables are a source of vitamin C and B5. Smoking can reduce the amount of vitamin C from the body. So, if you consume broccoli every day will help fight the concentration of nicotine in the body.

- Orange
Citrus fruit is a good source of vitamin C, and you can boost your metabolism. Consumption of oranges regularly and get good results for the body.

- Carrot juice
Carrots are rich in vitamin A, C, K, and B are effective against nicotine in the body. Regularly eating carrots is also good to fight dull skin caused by exposure to toxic substances in cigarettes.

- Greens
Spinach is a vegetable that has dark green leaves best. Rich in vitamins and folic acid is good to help neutralize the concentration of nicotine in the body.

- Pomegranates
This red fruit helps improve blood circulation and blood cells. To reduce nicotine in the body, you should eat some pomegranate routine every day.

- Kiwi
Green fruit is rich in vitamins A, C, and E. Very helpful neutralize nicotine in the body. Eat kiwi fruit regularly for long-term health.

- Berries
Fruits such as strawberries are very effective help remove harmful toxins in the body. Including nicotine.

- Mineral water
Exposure to nicotine in the body can lead to dehydration. Therefore, those who actively smoke or live in a neighborhood with smoke, you should not underestimate the importance of drinking enough water intake every day.

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