Sunday, December 16, 2012

Warm the body with 5 spice selection

World Wide Web | Warm the body with 5 spice selection | The rainy season has arrived, the air was not uncommon to be very cold. To warm the body, not enough with socks or a blanket. Some of these herbs can help you deal with the cold and warms the body, as reported by the Times of India

1. turmeric
Turmeric is known as a natural antibiotic. Several studies have shown that turmeric contains anti-inflammatory. You can use turmeric in food or brewed as a hot drink turmeric.

2. cinnamon
Cinnamon as a spice oldest known to increase blood circulation and makes the body warmer. Spices are suitable for those who are in town or country cold climates because cinnamon is also able to strengthen the immune system. Try makers pinch of cinnamon powder and one teaspoon of honey in warm water in the morning to warm up the body. Drinks can also be mixed with ginger to ward off colds.

3. cardamom
Adding cardamom and cloves in tea can prevent cough and cold. The trick, boil two to three cardamom, then pour a cup of water. Add a teaspoon of honey and drink before bed. This drink is believed to be able to relieve throat and nasal congestion. The aroma of cardamom can also keep you out of depression.

4. clove
Ancient Indian society use cloves for respiratory problems. Add two to three cloves in the soup segment, tea, or curry to prevent coughing. Chewing a clove also known to reduce irritation in the throat and a cough.

5. ginger
Ginger is often used as a drink or mixed in food. Making soup plus ginger is the perfect food to fight the cold. Drinking warm ginger can also prevent throat infections.

Still feeling cold? Come use the above spices to warm up your body!

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