Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Lose Stomach Fat In Your 50s With Flat Stomach Foods

World Wide WebLose Stomach Fat In Your 50s With Flat Stomach Foods | While being over 50 has a great many benefits, there are still plenty of challenges and overweight is one of them. In the light of all the information about the health risks of being overweight, reducing your stomach fat is one challenge you need to address. The best and quickest way to do this is by changing your eating habits to include more flat stomach foods. There are plenty of them readily available but you do have to change some ingrained eating habits to lose stomach fat, and this is the hard part.

Foods To Avoid

There are the obvious foods you know you should not be eating or eating only sparingly, and there are the ones that are not so obvious. These are cakes, cookies, sugary drinks - including commercial fruit juices - most processed breakfast cereals, most foods that are white such as bread, sugar and rice. Other foods to avoid are deep fried fast food and any take-aways cooked in commercial cooking oil (trans fats).

The white flour and sugary products break down quickly in your body and send your blood sugar up. Your body produces insulin to balance your sugar. Insulin is a storage hormone, which stores fat for emergencies. One of the places it stores the fat is on your stomach.

If this keeps happening frequently and over a long period, your body has trouble producing the insulin to control your blood sugar. This is where you pancreas can break down and you can get diabetes. So constantly eating the wrong food can produce these two serious side effects along with a number of other health problems. The net result is you are getting bigger and unhealthier - not what you are looking to do.

The take-aways cooked in trans fats, which is most commercial cooking oil, load up you body with artificial man-made fats that have no health benefits. They send up you bad cholesterol and load up your body with fat that settles around your liver and your stomach, among other places. There is a good chance these foods have contributed to your stomach fat over the years.

Foods To Eat

There are flat stomach foods, which do as they suggest. These are foods like lean meat, fish, beans, nuts, fruit and vegetables. The recipes you can prepare from those ingredients are only limited by your imagination. In fact, there is probably more information about healthy recipes now then there has ever been. Many chefs and food specialists are catering to healthy diets and using natural ingredients.

But for these foods to work, you do need to make a change, but that is all you have to do to get results, and you will be surprised how quickly you start to lose your stomach fat. You will need to give some thought as to how you are going to make the change, so there is some inconvenience, but this is a small price to pay to get the satisfaction of seeing your stomach fat reduce and knowing you are protecting your health.

You can take action now by replacing the fat producing foods you have been eating for many years with healthy, flat stomach foods and enjoy looking and feeling better through your 50s and beyond.

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