World Wide Web | Teens and Height | One of the changes that you experienced as a teenager and pubertal height growth is quite rapid. High growth is common you experience, the difference is the growth experienced during puberty faster. This growth is known as spur growth spurt or grow. If when you usually only grow a few inches a year, during puberty can reach up to 10 centimeters or more in a year.
At the age of 13-15 occur height growth spurt called adolescen spur growth. Average height at birth is 50 cm. At 13 years of child's height is estimated to 3x High birth weight, whereas adult height estimated 3.5 x Height birth
Pacu grow adolescen boys different from girls. Pertubuhan height women took place in early puberty, whereas in males takes place at the end of puberty. Girls usually start growing adolescen runway at about the age of 10.5 years and a peak of approximately 12 years. While the boys begin to grow and reach the top of the runway about 2 years. However summit tad higher. The average speed of the whole year was 9.5 for boys and 8.1 for girls. That is why at the age of junior high school girls are generally higher darpada men.
Rapid growth is reduced when women start menstruating. After that most women can still grow next 1-3 years but with decreased speed. Whereas in men perumbuhan slowed after entering the age of 18 years and can continue to grow at a slow pace until the age of 20 years.
We can not expect someone with the proper height. However, estimates of height one can be estimated by the following formula:
Height Woman = (Height Father-13 cm) + Height Mother + 8,5 cm
Height Man = (Height Mother + 13 cm) + Height Father + 8,5 cm
Child's growth in height determined by hereditary factors or descendants, in other words the height of parents also affects your height. If most of your family is short, then most likely you will also be short. The deciding factor is the height of the other person's nutritional status in other words, the food we eat, especially foods that contain calcium.
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