Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Causes Headaches

World Wide Web | Causes Headaches | Headaches are very disturbing health problems and painful. It can occur suddenly with many causes. Kebanyak of us do not know what the cause of these health problems or even pain occurs because the activities are often done alone.

The following causes of headaches:

1. Stress
Stress is one of the most common causes of headaches. The best way to reduce the headaches caused by stress is to rest your nerves and keep your stress levels.

2. food
poor eating habits can affect your health. unhealthy foods such as snacks, processed meats, chocolate and foods containing cholesterol could increase the potential for headaches. Try healthy foods like vegetables and fruits and drink lots of water can prevent headaches memnbantu.

3. Eye strain
too memporsir eyes in the long term can affect your nerves that can trigger headaches. if you work in front of a computer, try using an anti-glare screen or you can use the glasses are coated anti-glare.

4. Lack of sleep
Lack of sleep causes headaches daqpat. Body normally requires 7-8 hours of sleep.

5. Too much sleep
lack of sleep can cause headaches, as well as excessive sleeping.

6. Sit
Perhaps this lack of trust, but sitting too long can cause headaches. Try to stand 10 minutes every hour you sit down, it can relax the tense muscles while you are sitting.

7. Cigarette smoke
This greatly affects primarily for passive smokers. Perhaps without realizing it greatly affects them so that second-hand smoke can cause headaches.

8. Noise
Loud noises can trigger headaches, even if you are also able to will cause a noisy environment such thing.

9. Alcohol
Perhaps many agree that the headaches are caused by drunk (alcohol effect).

10. Drug side effects
headache is a common side effect of the drug. If you need medication, try that has no side effects.

Turns headaches that often we experience a lot of that is the result of our own bad habits. Begin a healthy lifestyle, regular exercise, nutritious food can keep us from headaches and other health problems.

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