Monday, November 11, 2013

Efficacy of Aloe Vera for Health

Aloe vera is a plant that is rich in health benefits , judging from the shape and the scary name , who would have thought to have many benefits in health care . The following are some health benefits of aloe vera for us :

1 . Aloe vera for burn treatment and external injuries .
Aloe vera has properties that can help heal and cool cuts, burns and wounds caused by the sun . split / break the stem and rub aloe vera skin gets injured . If you do not have an aloe plant , you can use aloe vera gel that has been widely sold drug stores / pharmacies .

2.Lidah crocodile for laxative / mempelancar digestion .
the layer containing aloe leaf Aloin that can be used as a laxative , but it is advised not to use aloe vera for weight loss due to an excessive use of unsafe and can cause diarrhea , cramps , loss of potassium and electrolyte imbalance . Aloe vera contains fatty acids that are useful anti - inflammatory helps maintain balance to prevent acidity in alkaline digestion as the stomach and intestines .

Crocodile 3.Lidah for arthritis ( arthritis / rheumatism / arthritis )
Anti - inflammatory aloe vera helps reduce pain and inflammation of arthritis . Apply a mixture of aloe vera and eucalyptus oil to the affected area and massage . Aloe vera helps absorption of eucalyptus oil and allow to stimulate the blood and reduce pain in the knees , elbows , fingers , and other joints .

That's some of the benefits of aloe vera for health and many more benefits we can get from the plant aloe vera is another named . began to use plants that can also as an ornamental plant our yard . in addition benefit as ornamental plants is also beneficial to health .

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